Full Transcript of Month of Instruction



Pastor Chris…

Nothing gives more concern to God’s people than the difference that they see in their personal lives and what they expect in the Holy Spirit through them. And nothing arousing more curiosity than the fact that some Christians have more of the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit. It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit that takes us from one level of glory to another.

Pastor Benny…

You have to understand that He is the power of the Trinity. He is also the Omnipresence of the Trinity.  When God created the heavens and the earth, it was the power that brought it. We see the Father as the idea and see Jesus do it. The Father speaks it, the Son does it but it is the Holy Spirit that brings it around.

Think about the Holy Spirit as the generator of the Trinity. When God decided to save us, Jesus died for us and paid the price. But it is the Holy Spirit that brought the salvation into the heart. Everything we know about God, we know by the Spirit. And by the Holy Spirit, we know we are saved. It’s the Holy Spirit that gives us the knowledge and that knowledge is our life. It is the Holy Spirit that reveals not only God to us but us to God. God the Father knows everything by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the knowledge of the Trinity.

The one who convicts is the Holy Spirit. The people saw Jesus perform miracles but didn’t really get a conviction in their spirits. They saw Jesus cleanse leapers, heal the sick, died and was raised; even then some still doubted – the Holy Ghost wasn’t here then. The Holy Spirit is the one who convinced the Apostles that Jesus is the Son of God. The Children of Israel experienced the power of God. Power doesn’t change the heart of men. Only the presence of God does and the presence of God is the Holy Spirit.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

He is Jesus unlimited.

Jesus in the flesh was limited to a place at a time. Jesus is with us all the time. The Holy Spirit is the presence of Jesus in our lives. The Holy Spirit isn’t just the presence of Jesus but without Him, Jesus won’t be real to us. The Holy Spirit makes Jesus real to us even much more than He was when He was on Earth.

Pastor Chris…

Can someone be like Jesus?

Jesus, had nothing striking about Him as a man. When Jesus ministered, the impact wasn’t as much as many people assume. God doesn’t want you to be like the man. The Bible says, as He is, not as He was.

He was a physical man with the Holy Spirit in Him but at the time, the Holy Spirit hadn’t manifested. So if you wanted to be like than Jesus (the man), you won’t be that effective. Don’t look at that rabbi of the Jews. Don’t look at the man of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Look at the risen Christ. You cannot become more human by growing. You’re 100% human as a child as you’re as an adult. You rather grow (in conformation) with the word in the presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s not about knowing not the Jesus of Nazareth but knowing the risen Christ; having the conviction that as He is, so are you in this world. When you see the glorified Christ, you’ll walk in the glorified life.

Pastor Benny…

How can the Ministry of the Holy Spirit be effective in our lives?

There is a price. We have to know the Lord. The knowledge of the Lord has to grow through you. The knowledge is always growing in us and it’s that knowledge that can make us touch the world. That knowledge is so real than mental knowledge.

“When we perceive the presence/glory of God, it is to the degree to which the veil is removed from us. That’s why fasting is very important. The more you fast and give yourself to the word, the more you’ll be sensitive to the Lord. The more you desire after Him (a conscious desire), the more you will see and perceive what others cannot.” – Pastor Chris

What we are missing most times is that we are not giving much time to the Lord. This is the price to pay, shot the world out and spend time with Lord. The one thing that nobody wants to do is to be quiet in the presence of God. If you can keep a man quiet for just 5mins to think about eternity, that person would be saved.

Waiting on God for a lot of people is difficult because they think they have a lot of things. God said, “be still and know that I am God”.

Isaiah 40:31

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” When we wait, God will quicken us.

Knowing the Lord and spending time with Him is the greatest thing you can do and that’s when the Holy Spirit will visit you. Moses waited on the Lord for a long time on the mount before God spoke to Him. All God is looking for is for your attention and your time.

Think about how much time you had to wait to see a dignitary, God is bigger than them all, so wait on Him. Seek God with all your heart.


Proverbs 4:13 “Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.”

Proverbs 6:23 “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:”

Proverbs 10:17 “He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth.”

What is Instruction?

Instruction is the direction of discipline that imparts knowledge and skill. By direction, it means to give direction. Skill is science – the ability to produce solutions. Instruction ultimately imparts knowledge and skill.

2 Timothy 3:16

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” God’s word can give you instruction – God’s way of life. This instruction includes doctrine, reproof, correction and training in righteousness.


God didn’t really say, give me your time. He said, “give me your heart”. Everything we do has to do with purpose. Why do we do what we do and what you expect God to do.

You need two kinds of prayer:

  1. A time of prayer dedicated to talking to God. At this point you aren’t necessarily prepared to hear Him; He may not say anything to you but you must be prepared. Such prayer is about bearing out hearts to God. And all of us have that time. This is like a religious life. This kind of prayer instills spiritual discipline.


  1. Living Prayer. In living prayer, you’re in deep and constant fellowship and alot of times you’re not even praying out but God sees your heart. This one is so important because it is your living experience with the Holy Spirit. And it is where most of life’s personal questions are answered. At such times you’d need to write the revelations down as they come from God.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

“…That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

Perfect here means that the man of God may be up-to-date/well equipped. God wants each one of us to be up-to-date with the Spirit and the word of God has the capacity to get you there. God can talk to you about your Cell, your family, finances, and business. Never ignore what God tells you even though it looks small. It’s interesting to know that He does the biggest things in the smallest ways.

This month is important for you because God has a plan for you.


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