Apr 2017

Article of the week, Pastor Chris Sermons, Pastor Chris Teachings, Special Message
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Be motivated to give your spirit-life attention for growth as you watch this video. Earlier today, at the LoveWorld Convocation Arena, thousands gathered for Sunday Service with the BLW President, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, who taught the congregation on ‘7 Factors for Spiritual Advancement‘. In the featured video excerpt, Pastor Chris emphasizes the importance and effect of spiritual advancement on every other area of the Christian’s life. “Always, you deal with the spiritual and put it in the right perspective; once that is working out well, it will produce the life that’s needed......
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Dec 2016

Pastor Chris teaches: “you’ve got to learn the Word in the time of peace!†Pastor Chris said, “in the day of crisis, it’s only what you have inside that will come out,†emphasizing the importance of storing up God’s Word in our hearts. “You’ve got to learn the Word of God in the time of peace, when there is no trouble as yet,†he taught, also assuring the brethren that the day of trouble will surely come, but it was designed for us to win! The man of God clarified that “faith......
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Nov 2016

“Every Christian is a saint,” Pastor Chris unequivocally states, explaining our place in Christ! At Sunday Service earlier today, the man of God, Pastor Chris, explained that salvation is the criteria for becoming a saint, highlighting that Christians are called saints, “because they walk, not in their personal righteous, but in the righteousness of Christ Jesus.” Premised on this revelation, Pastor admonished the brethren to accept what the Lord has said about the them. “ sees you through Christ; He sees your purity,” Pastor said to the congregation, growing their faith. Instructively,......
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Nov 2016

Imagine a 3-dimensional, environment where you can see and hear the Bible played out. Various social media organizations and large technology companies — Facebook, Google and Microsoft, among several others — are investing heavily in virtual reality, because it indicates the next stage in immersive and interactive technology. Virtual reality, in the case that you have not heard of it, is “the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with, in a seemingly real or physical way by a person, using special equipment…” Some of the first wave of......
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Nov 2016

“Fear is gone, because Jesus is in the house!” — Pastor Chris, at Mid-Week Service. “If Jesus is with you, how could your business get wrecked?,” Pastor asked, as he elucidated John 14:21-23 during last night’s Mid-Week Service. The brethren were inspired to set higher expectations and aspirations because of God’s presence that indwells them. Pastor said, “through the Holy Spirit, the Father and Jesus come to make their home with you,” further crystallizing in our minds and hearts the reality of our advantageous place. Stay tuned to LoveWorld News for more......
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Nov 2016

Pastor Chris expounds on the glory-life at work in the new creation! In a powerful message in the ongoing teaching series – Exploring our Divine Nature- the man of God, Pastor Chris, at today’s Mid-Week service delved into the Scriptures to describe to an attentive congregation, the limitless possibilities open to the new creation in Christ – the one to whom Jesus has given glory. Taking inspiration from the scripture in John chapter 17 verse 22, Pastor Chris taught by example, how a Christian ought to appropriate the blessings of the Word......
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Nov 2016

“God’s not afraid to be put on the spot,” Pastor says, encouraging brethren to work the Word! More into the inspiring teaching segment at the Mid-Week Service, the man of God, Pastor Chris, emphasized to the congregants that they have a crucial role in establishing God’s word in their lives; demonstrating the trueness of their Christianity. Recounting his journey of faith as a young believer, Pastor Chris charged the brethren to make a vital decision of  proving the word of God, which they have believed. He said, “It is either what we......
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Nov 2016

Pastor unravels the importance of affirmation for a fruitful Christian life The congregation at the LoveWorld Conference Center were furnished with the divine truth of God’s word as the man of God shared extensively on the vital aspect and legal aspects of our salvation. In an atmosphere super-charged with God’s presence, Pastor further equipped the saints with words of direction, If you don’t affirm it, it never works, you’ll only be left with religion”. Watch and be blessed by this insightful excerpt from the Mid-week service. Remember to like, comment and share......
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Nov 2016

“You are called ‘in Christ'”, Pastor says, as he explains the spiritual location of the new creation. Explaining that Christianity transcends the religious term of changing one’s ways and the moral concept of behaving differently, Pastor Chris unveils to the brethren what actually happens when a person gives his heart to Christ. Exploring the scriptures in 2 Corinthians 5:17 with the congregants, the man of God showed that when a person confesses the Lordship of Jesus over his life, the Spirit of God baptizes him into Christ and makes him a......
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Nov 2016

“Whatever is consistent with God’s nature is endless,” Pastor Chris teaches. Congregations at the Sunday Service with Pastor Chris were improved with increased knowledge as the man of God unveiled elevating revelations on eternal life in a teaching that sheds more light to the nature of God. Further into the teaching, the man of God stirred the faith of the congregation as he shared insightful words on the subject “When you are born again, you start seeing like God, you start seeing in the Kingdom of God…and from the Kingdom of God,......
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