May 2018

The Holy Land Tour comes to the home of millions as Pastor Chris goes LIVE in few hours. The Holy Land Tour with Pastor Chris, an extraordinary time of interaction with the scriptures in 3-D, goes LIVE to millions around the world in a few hours. At 6PM GMT+1 today and Thursday, May 17th, the BLW President will be on all LoveWorld stations (LoveWorldSAT, LoveWorldUSA, LoveWorldTV UK and LoveWorld Plus) with blessings from the land of the Bible. Hundreds of participants in the ongoing tour have been tremendously changed since the program started on Thursday, May......
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May 2018

The BLW President in an exclusive video recording shared insights on the significance and far-reaching impact of the 2018 tour of Israel On his arrival to the Holy Land of Israel, the BLW President Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome expounded profoundly, high expectations for the tour to the Holy Land this year, which in his words is ‘the very notable 70th year of the creation of the state of Israel’. The man of God, in the featured video, said: “…beyond the anniversary there is so much to learn in Israel, we have four......
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