Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny Hinn Takes Airwaves

by admin
The much anticipated Global Day of Prayer with the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome and world renown televangelist, Pastor Benny Hinn, kicked off with the choir leading in faith-stirring songs of worship to God. Billions of participants from every part of the world, connected to the Live broadcast via the Loveworld Networks,  Satellite/Terrestrial TV stations, Radio stations and on various Internet platforms.
Pastor Chris leading live from Lagos, Nigeria, and Pastor Benny Hinn, from Florida, USA, heartily welcomed the global audience to the program. They both emphasized the essence of the special meeting and urged everyone to participate actively. Pastor Chris gave statistics of the devastating effect of the Coronavirus across the globe, further stressing the need for the church to pray fervently as the Church is the only restraining force to evil in the world.