Witchdoctors Accept Jesus as Lord in the Company of 371 New Converts in Malawi
Thousands receive a special touch from God at the Lilongwe Miracle Crusade. The atmosphere was thick with the anointing at Silver Stadium, Lilongwe, in the nation of Malawi, as many converged from every part of the country to hear God’s Word from the Zonal Pastor, Southern Africa Zone 3, Pastor Tomisin Fashina. Music minister, Ada, sows God’s Word into the people’s hearts through songs. From all walks of life, they came to receive healing, salvation, restoration, promotion, miracles and solutions to their predicaments and challenges. The highly anticipated Lilongwe Miracle Crusade was marked by a stirring in praise and worship, led by LMAM artistes such as Ada, Viwe Nikita, Peter Tobe and others who made the people’s hearts ready for the word through dance, poetry, talk shows and more. The Zonal Pastor teaches God’s Word in the fulness of the Spirit. The crowd received the esteemed Zonal Pastor with roars of excitement and great joy. ‘This Jesus‘ was the subject of the night; Pastor Tomisin shared how Jesus is from above, and as such, we are from above, not beneath. “Jesus came, not for us to have a small life, but He came so that we can enjoy life,” he said, as he explained John 10:10. Pastor Tomisiin ministers to a testifier, healed by the power of God. Full of the Spirit, the Zonal Pastor gave a word of knowledge concerning a lady suffering from a heart condition; she came out and received her healing instantly. As many began to testify of their miracles, the congregation was full of praise. In the course of the night, Pastor Tomisin led two witchdoctors to Christ, who confessed to the killing of many through their practice. They were both delivered and dedicated to the service of Jesus. Many rush out to endorse the... Read More