“The Holy Spirit is Jesus Without Limits!” — Pastor Benny Hinn


Giving further credence to the invaluable role of the Holy Spirit in the minister’s life and work, the healing evangelist, Pastor Benny Hinn, taught in last night’s session of the Special Ministers’ Conference on the Spirit’s function in extending the presence of Jesus to every believer.

A section of delegates responding to the message by Pastor Benny Hinn.

Jesus in the flesh was limited,” he explained, to the surprise of some in the congregation, further qualifying this to mean that the Lord could only be in one place at a time. Throwing more light on the subject, Pastor Benny said, “[the people] had to be in close proximity to receive; Jesus was there, but no one knew His presence in their hearts.”

Thousands of ministers present responded with joy and gratitude to God as Pastor Benny declared, “when the Holy Spirit came, this wonderful Jesus could now live in your heart!” Each minister received the comfort of the scriptures as he quoted John 14:16, receiving perfect understanding of it. “The Holy Spirit has made Jesus more real to you than to the crowd that saw Him 2,000 years ago,” Pastor Benny said.

Be blessed by the featured video excerpt, and stay tuned to LoveWorld News for more exclusive updates from the 2-day conference.
