Miraculous Manifestations as Pastor Chris Ministers LIVE in Global Telecast

by admin
January 28, 2017
in Article of the week, Ministry Programs, Pastor Chris Sermons, Special Message
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The man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, continuing his teaching on ‘5 Facts of the Gospel‘, shared deep thoughts from the scriptures to drive into the spirits of everyone present the solid facts of the Gospel: the new birth; the righteousness of God; the dominion of Christ; the fellowship of the Spirit; Christ’s ascension and promise of His return!
As the scriptures say, “the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it;” this scripture came alive as Pastor Chris called for those with one deaf ear to put a finger in it, while he cast out the spirit of deafness. Instantly, many in the audience began to hear from ears that had not worked before.
The blessedness of the Gospel was further encapsulated when Pastor Chris began discussing the dominion of Christ, as He called for those with cancers and ministered personally to a lady in the audience. Without a minute’s interval, she received her miracle, along with others, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
The program, thus far, has been an exposé in the Word of God and a peculiar ministration of the Holy Spirit. Stay tuned to LoveWorld News for more updates; you can also watch LIVE while the service is on at Pastor Chris Online.
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