The body of Christ – Class 6A & 6B

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1, The Body Of Christ.
The church is God’s peculiar treasure. Psalm 16:3
The universal church comprises every member of the body of Christ in the whole world. This is the whole family of God that meets in every part of the world.
To become a member of the universal church (or the church precisely), one has to be born again.To be born again is to appreciate for yourself the salvation that Jesus brings.
All you have to do is to act on the word of as it is in Romans 10:9-10.
By reason of these proclamation, or declaration, one is baptized into the body of Christ through the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit. This is being born again (i.e Holy Ghost baptism).
I Corinthians 12:13 “For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body…
Purpose Of The Church
1, To glorify God – Ephesians 1:9-12; Ephesians 3:20-21.
To show forth His His Excellency, His Perfection. Ephesians 3:21.
2, To witness to the world.
This talks of soul winning, and it is God’s number one job. It’s God’s heart throb. Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 5:17-19; Mark 16:15,16.
3, To build the church.
Every member of the church has the responsibility of contributing to the building or edification of the church.
As Christians, we should take up our appropriate responsibilities viz. Soul winning and soul development. Ephesians 4:11-16.
Every child of God is expected to have regular fellowship with the brethren. Hebrews 10:25
Local assemblies are places where Christians come together to pray, worship, hear God’s word and be built up on God’s word and also where others can come and hear God’s word and get saved by acting on the word.
It is important therefore that we have the local assemblies because it enhances fellowship and causes every member to contribute his or her own part to the work of the ministry.
Also, unity of the brethren is adequately enhanced, I Corinthians 12:21-26.
local assembly enables members to identify what office or role they can perform (Romans 12:4,5).
Take a close look at Matthew 16:13-19,
This means the Christ.
So we find that Jesus Christ is the rock upon which the church is built. Other scriptures reveals this clearly. I Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 5:23-25; Ephesians 2:18-20; I Peter 2:4-7.
We should not make ourselves church supervisors, going from one church to another under the pretext that God spoke to us, for there is no such thing as that.
We should be committed to a local assembly.
The only time God will speak to you to leave a church for another according to the scriptures is when His word is not taught there (i.e. not having a sound doctrine). He would now (by the Holy Spirit) direct you to a proper place. See Acts 2:42; Hebrews 2:13.
Also going from church to church would not allow you to be built up. It rather helps to raise questions and doubt and suspicion.
Jesus is the rock upon which the church is, Matthew 16:18. Jesus therefore is the builder of the church.
He is the head of the church, Ephesians 5:23. He is the author and the finisher (or perfecter) of our faith, Hebrews 12:2.
Also, every member of the church is equally building the church. This is the reason for the ministry gifts in Ephesians 4:12-16, Thus we are partner with deity. God is building His church through us.
I Corinthians 3:9-10.
“For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s buildings. According to the grace of which is given unto me, as a wise master builder. I have laid the foundation and another buildeth there on. But let every man take heed how he buildeth there upon.
Hebrews 10:25
It is the custom of Jesus to go to the temple, same also with the disciples.
They are our examples. We should follow after them.
Also it is important that we go to church to be built up in God’s word and to be equipped so that we can build others up too.
Finally, we go to church to worship God, to pour our hearts out to Him, to praise and glorify Him.
Believer’s LoveWorld
Last week, we dealt with the body of Christ and the need for every
individual Christian to be a vital member of a local assembly. This week
we shall be dealing with our ministry and church. That is the Believer’s
LoveWorld Inc. and Christ Embassy.
Our Name
The ministry is known as Believer’s LoveWorld Inc. It is several arms for
example, the ministry has churches and chapters on campuses. The
Churches are known and called Christ Embassy, while the Chapters on
campuses are known as Believer’s LoveWorld fellowships. The ministry
also operates churches known as Christ Embassy Churches. They
are not autonomous but are part of the main church from where they were
Pioneered. Their Pastors are called Lay Pastors because while they pastor,
they also work.
Our churches (Christ Embassy) are pastored by full-time pastors ordained
and recognized by and in the ministry. The Believer’s LoveWorld
fellowships are led by pastors and coordinators who are anointed for the
period they pastor the fellowships. They are recognized as leaders in the
The Cell System
The cell system is a system, which creates an avenue for soul winning and
development. It gives every individual in the ministry an opportunity to be
Vitally involved and be part of what God is doing. The cell system is also
designed to encourage fellowship amongst brethren, which is necessary
for the nurturing and development of their faith. The cell system is
recognized in such a way that it makes for easy monitoring and co-
The cell unit (groups) as they are called is a meeting of 2,3 or more people
as the case may be. They meet together weekly, share the word of God
together, win other people like themselves and add to the body of Christ.
They are meant to know each others address (home and work) and to be
closely knit together as brothers and sisters. They care for one another and
are concerned about one another.
The cell is expected to grow that is increase spiritually and numerically.
However, the cell does not exist on its own. It operates under a larger
body called Pastoral Care Fellowship (PCF). There are various PCFs here
in our church and these PCFs consist of Pastoral Care Units (PCU) which
usually automatically emerges from three (3) existing cells, which have
developed from a single cell, with the original leader becoming the PCU
leader. The cell is structured in such a way to suit the individuals
vocational, residential, and age groupings.
The cell system creates a lot of room for individual growth. Every
member of the ministry can aspire to be a cell leader, PCU leader and
indeed a PCF leader.
This is the BLW School of ministry where members are further equipped
for the work of the ministry. The college offers courses ranging from
General knowledge of the Bible to Pastoral ministry courses. It also offers
Administrative courses.
The programmes usually runs for a year and the college organizes
graduation ceremony annually for her students. The School has 3
departments. They are;
Pastoral Ministry Department – BMS.
Department of Lay Ministry – Diploma in Ministry
Also, the colleges offers a correspondence course whereby you’re given
the necessary assistance for a rich Bible study life, regardless your tight
schedule (LCBC).
IPPC – IPPC is an annual meeting where
every member of BLW (Churches & Campus Fellowships) home and
abroad, come together to hear God speak to them. This is a very important
ministry is expected to make plans ahead of time. The president and other
members of the C.E.C ministers as God gives us direction for our
individual lives and the ministry as a whole. Camp Meeting usually comes
during Easter period.
Total Experience is a very important programme in this Ministry. It is a
bi-monthly programme where the sick are healed and the lost are saved. It
usually holds at the National Stadium here in Lagos and other cities where
we have Christ Embassy Churches. Total Experience is an outreach
The Believer’s LoveWorld Statement Of Faith
This is the statement of Bible doctrine as believed and taught by the
Believer’s LoveWorld Inc. AKA Christ Embassy. This statement of faith
has its source in the Bible and is in total agreement with the foundational
principles of the doctrines of Christ.
God. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
(Ephesians 4:5-6; I Corinthians 8:16; Genesis 1:26; Matthew 3:16-17)
1:1-5] (a) He was born of a virgin; [Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:30-35] (b)
He was conceived of the Holy Spirit; [Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:30-35] (c) He died; [John 19:30-35] (d) He arose again from the dead bodily;
[John20:25-29, Luke 24:36-40] (e) He ascended into heaven bodily.
[Acts 1:9-11, I Thessalonians 4:16]
Christ. [I Thessalonians 4:16-17; Matthew 24:29-30]
repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. [Acts 3:19;
Luke 24:47; Ephesians 1:7]
the word of God is essential for personal salvation. [Titus 2:5; John3:3-5;
Ephesians 5:25-27]
divine healing for the body and salvation for the soul of everyone that
believes. [I Peter 2:24; Acts3:16; Acts 9:32-35]
receives divine enablement for Christians service and witness.
[Acts 1:8; 2:4; 3:1-26; 4:5-12]
[Romans 15:16; I Corinthians 6:11]
former to eternal life and the latter to eternal judgement.
[Revelations 20:11-15; I Corinthians 15:12-23]
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