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“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich†(2 Corinthians 8:9).
According to this Scripture, the Lord Jesus came to make us rich. But there are Christians who assume poverty is necessary to live a godly life. I’ve even heard a minister pledge to poverty. I think that’s absurd! Poverty might be the mark of religion but it’s definitely not the mark of Christianity.In 1980, at a ministers’ conference that I was privileged to attend, T. L. Osborn made a remarkable statement that stirred much controversy then. He said, “Poverty is a sin.â€I’m sure this statement will stir up as much controversy today as it did then.
It’s imperative that we correct the impression that poverty is a prerequisite for serving God. Otherwise, 2 Corinthians 8:9 will be false and meaningless. Poverty is contrary to the provisions of God in His Word; reject it in its entirety. No father would want his children to live in poverty. God is our Father and His wealth is beyond human imagination or comprehension. We are heirs to His vast estate; He has given us a blank cheque, so it’s up to us to fill everything we need in the blank spaces. This is how to take advantage of the grace in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1).
Don’t let the world put the mark of religion on you; reject poverty because prosperity is your right in Christ.
F U RT H E R S T U DY : P ROV E R B S 10:22; P SALM 23:1-2;
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