A New Life of Righteousness- His nature is Love

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There is something about righteousness, peace and joy. Righteousness is the nature of God that gives a man the ability to stand in the presence of God without any sense of guilt, inferiority complex or condemnation. It gives a man right standing with God — the ability to do right. This is the nature of every believer in Christ. When you look into his eyes, you see love. His lifestyle reflects the righteousness, peace and joy that is in the Holy Ghost. He does not move alone. He is led by the spirit of God. When Jesus died on the cross, He declared that it was finished. In essence, He meant that troubles and toiling were finished upon this earth. The journey to seeking for self-righteousness has ended. With the gift of righteousness bequeathed to us through His death, an intimate relationship with God is guaranteed. We are no longer ruled by the law. Anyone who lives rightly with
God is free from the law and its consequences. A man who has the right relationship with God has no cause to fear. Even when a man has all his needs in life met, he still complains. It is not enough to have these needs satisfied; what man really requires is a close relationship with God.
There are some strange people you meet, for the first time. They may never have seen or heard you speak before, yet they just do not like you at first sight. This is not the nature of a Christian. Some time ago, a young lady came to me, she said, ‘Years ago, I met this boy, there was something about him, I had never seen him before, but I just didn’t like him.’ Two days later, the person that she did not like came and made the same statement about her! I have seen such things happen several times. This is not the nature of God. His nature is Love.
culled from the book “Unending Springs of Joyâ€
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