The Week in Tech — Flying Cars, Nokia 3310’s Comeback and More

flying car
Catch up on tech news with the past week’s highlights in global innovations.

A lot has happened in the world of technology the past week; Techlopedia brings you some of the major headlines.

Dutch company, PAL-V, announced that is is taking pre-orders of up to $400,000 for her new invention, the Flying Car. In the same week, a Zimbabwean man, Maxwell Chikumbutso, made headlines for ‘inventing’ the world’s first green car.

Maxwell Chikumbutso's
Maxwell Chikumbutso’s green car needs no recharge.

Google and Microsoft have made an agreement to crackdown on piracy sites in search results. Both companies agreed to take actions against sites the appearance of sites that host pirated content on their search engines.

New Nokia 3310
Nokia 3310 makes its come-back.

Nokia made an astonishing announcement at this year’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) that after 17 years, the company has re-launched the famous Nokia 3310 feature phone. The Mobile World Congress (MWC) which kicked off in Barcelona is becoming a prime spot for mobile phone companies to launch new products. Sony, Samsung, Nokia, Huawei, Motorola, LG, among others, have already launched new devices.

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That’s it for this week’s roundup for the major headlines in technology. Until next time, #KeepKinging and #Flourishing.


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